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Services and Organisations
Many non-profit and government organisations are responsible for protecting and conserving marine life. Marine conservation depends on sponsors and donations.
Great Yarmouth is located along the east coast of the UK, and it is arguably the best place in the country to celebrate marine life and history. The resort town also has an abundance of amusement parks, museums, gambling attractions, and aquariums. Here is a brief guide to the mostContinue Reading
The water displays from whales as they lurch their massive bodies out of the water is a sight to behold. Marine safaris abroad whale watching vessels can give passengers the opportunity to experience unforgettable moments such as these. Whale watching can help to create awareness about marine conservation in severalContinue Reading
The Sea Sheppard is an organisation responsible for protecting marine wildlife worldwide. They strive to conserve the world’s oceans with a fleet of boats and ships that are dedicated to the enforcement of conservation laws and regulations that protect the oceans. They have launched several anti-whaling campaigns over the yearsContinue Reading